An International wholesale bank focusing on Africa

BMCE Bank International was launched in 2007 under the name MediCapital Bank as a specialist bank linking international finance with the growing opportunities in Africa. The Bank is headquartered in London and Paris.

We have a strong African heritage through our affiliation to Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur (BMCE) and our experienced team. We also have an extensive presence on the ground in Africa. Our network of offices in 18 countries is made up of either independent companies linked to BMCE or parts of the Bank of Africa network.

The combination of a presence both in international financial centres and African countries means that BMCE Bank International is expertly placed to identify new opportunities and forge partnerships to capitalise on them. Our team of specialists ensures a world-class standard of deal structuring and distribution while our extensive distribution network helps sell and place debt or equity raised by African institutions through established financial hubs.

On 1st September 2010, our name was changed to BMCE Bank International Plc.